Feeling Good and Looking Good

First of all I was aiming to write about the products I have been using recently, but I decided that I will deal with something deeper. About feeling good. 
About being good. Which automatically translates into looking good. 
So here, I want to underline a few important things, also with examples from my own life. 
Some people might break your heart, make you feel bad. They might say bad things about you, gossip about you, they might make your successes smaller and your failures bigger, they might want to get rid of you, cut your ways, damage your heart and self-esteem, they might say things to you indicating that they are honest. They might dare to say things to you that they would not say to their co-nationals or neighbours or friends or people they love. What happens as a result? You get stressed, upset, deluded, you feel unfortunate, you cannot hit back cause you do not want to do that. There are people that you respect and you want to keep your respect and belief. You just sweep it under the rug. What happens? Someone who sees you totally distraught says: "You look awful, what happened? You look dead!" 
What happens is this: we do not want to leave life, but life separates from us. 

We do not want to feel bad, but we can be forced to feel bad for things that were not really our fault or that were not real at all. But some people are manipulative and they can make you believe what they say is true. This is very common in competitive environments. 
Do not take it all into your heart. I will not suggest you to do makeup and to do skincare so that you can feel better since they are cosmetic changes. 

I will suggest you something totally different: rely on the people you love, who loves you, that listen to you... talk to them, call them, tell your problems, and ask them help. They will help you, the people who really love you will remind you who you are indeed. They are the ones who know you. They are the ones who can have a more objective point of view, cause they were not hurt but they can understand why you were hurt. These people are the kinds of people who have also been hurt in the past and they know how it feels like. Their feelings are not dead. Do not let others take the life away from you and if they do via their words and insults and their own subjective ideas, just walk away from these people forever, do not look back and turn to those who love you and who you love. Do not overestimate the value of the people without knowing them, otherwise, what happened to me can happen to you, too. 

Why do we look dead? What happens when we are sad? Did you know that body temperature drops when you are too sad? When you are happy you have higher temperature and you have a healthier heart most probably (have proof for the first but for the second, I am making a guess). It is important that you have a healthy psychology if you want to look good and happy. A part of the beauty comes from inside: inside you feel you are fine, loved, happy, and appreciated, you will look more beautiful that day. How do I know it? I look more beautiful on my birthdays without extra effort, cause people call, they bring you presents, it is a petty thing for sure but it happened so many times. The way you feel is determined a lot by the external factors. You do not have a control over all these external factors, but you do have a control on who to love, who to care, who to call, who to spend time with. Will you avoid people that make you sad, that say horrible things to you and that make you feel small for your modesty? That will always happen as long as you are honest and modest. Do not give up on your principles. But keep in mind, if you feel bad, you will look bad, if you feel good you will look good. 

What else can we do to look good and feel good all together? Sports at home, sports outside, eating an apple, drinking more water, drinking a tea you like, or calling your mom and ask "how are you mom?" calling your friend and ask "how are you my dear?" Showing affection to your cat, showing affection to children, showing affection to your lover, showing affection to yourself. Do not panic, do not stress, do not overthink. Everything happens for a reason. I will tell you other things you can do to feel better: write in your diary, tell your word document how you feel, write a poem, how bad that might be, read a poem, read a few pages from a book you love, remember the characters, see a funny movie, see Mrs. Fletcher, see Friends, see other things that you might like. Think about the best character you have ever read about, the best persons in your life (your family, friends, teachers, instructors, colleagues, professors, employers, and more). Think about how many things you achieved in the past, remind yourself one day of the week, to do a bath for your tired feet, you need to spare one day for yourself, otherwise it will be too overwhelming. If you want to pray pray. If you want to do a list of to-dos. Do it. You have forgotten to do something, do it if you can... try to listen to the songs you love the most, that help your heart beat nicer and to the tune. See the positive things that can come out of negativities someone else gives you: what can it be? How can things be better? How can you respond better to people next time? You will improve it. You will manage it and you will see things better as time passes, with more perspective. 

Can the soil stay without water, and can the plants stay without sun? Are there no storms or thunderbolts? Are not there bad people who cut the trees for profit? Are not the insects killed and animals eaten? World is not a very naive place, but you know deep in your heart you have to keep that naive person alive, that little person, so dear to your heart, what does she look like? How does she feel? Be all ears as you listen to, cause you will always need her when you need courage to continue, she will lead the way, and she will always forgive. Oh I don't say always forgive, but listen to the forgiving people, too, that is important to understand. So I do finish with a few sentences: if you want to look good you need to feel good and do things that make you feel good (paint, read, dance, sport, art, friends, talk, chats, a glass of wine, a glass of milk with honey and cinnamon and more). The rest will come, take problems step by step, and move on. Hurtful people will always exist and will always be mocking, but your inside light is in your eyes and that will always exist, too. Do not forget that ever. If you really want to look good, that light in the eyes is everything! 


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