
Showing posts with the label homemade remedies

To wait and to write and to wait and to write

Dear Readers, I am planning to prepare really well-written content in order to give you more information on the quality of the things that we are using... However, this will take time. Basically, I have slowed down my consumption slightly and it means that first of all, I need to finish the products that I have. One of the main reasons for this is that I have another job now and need to focus on it. The other reason is that I feel that I am spending too much on cosmetics and I am using too much plastic. Both of these habits need to change if I want to grow up as a person, not only as a woman. So I decided to slow down, write more detailed, interesting, original good quality stuff rather than introduce you to everything that I had used in the past... I have seen that natural products gain great attention, which is good news. This means that we are super super hungry for nature. And that is the way to go! Nothing beats the cucumber tonic that you make at home and that you...