
Showing posts with the label Skinfood

Everyone wears a mask, which one is yours?

As I have said I would be evaluating the products that I already have, so starting from 28th of February I will be evaluating these masks with some details: 1) Sephora shea hair sleeping mask 2) Réperetoire Aloe Vera soothing mask for the face 3) Serum en masque serum in a mask Kenzo 4) Purobio Kelly Maschera viso in alginato, powder mask 5) Skinfood caviar face mask 6) Garnier skin naturals paper mask (hydrating qualities with hyaluronic acid) 7) Ceramide mask from Too Cool for School (real coconut squeeze 30 percent) with hydrating qualities 8) Belif moisturizing bomb sheet mask 9) Dermokil +45 age group sensitive care mask with the seeds of the grapes 10) Douglas protein repair with shea and almond for the hair 11) Shaka hand sooting mask (good one also for the nails) 12) Tokalon anti-stress facial mask (Swiss cosmetics) with cucumber and vitamin E made in Switzerland 13) Clinians luxury gold mask for the face with anti-aging and illuminating qualities 14) John Fr...