Staying at Home and Taking Care of Yourself

As we are stuck at home I would like to talk about a few rituals that we all do or at least try to do. I have a couple of suggestions on how to take care of yourself, your environment, and also the products that you are using.

Now that we are at home, working or studying, or just being unemployed there are more chances to organize our stuff. I have checked all the cosmetics I have (mostly I have hydrating creams and lipsticks as you will see from the first two blog writings I have).

After having done a bit of these myself, I kindly suggest to do these things when you are stuck home:

1) Check what you have and what you do not need to buy.
2) Check the expiry date and prepare the ones that you will use next according to the dates.
3) Now that you are home, do your skincare every day: cleansing, using toner, hydrating... Try different masks that you have at home to see which one fits your skin the best.
4) Even if you see people just on skype or what'sup, try to make it possible to do makeup from time to time, just for yourself, just to keep yourself happy if it makes you happy to do so.
5) Decide which products you will never use anymore and throw them away responsibly. Decide which products need to finish first (I have a few body creams that I am trying to finish and I will succeed hopefully soon).
6) Try to cut on washing your hair too often, as it might save you some water whilst you wash your hands often, water consumption can balance out.

Staying at home means, you need to also take care of what you eat; how much protein, oil, and carbohydrates you get every day. Try your best not to dehydrate and try your best to eat well. Do not miss on vegetables and fruits... Skin beauty comes also from what you eat... maybe mostly from what you eat.

After almost two weeks of mostly staying at home, I feel that my skin is somehow really better, as I cook always at home, we did not get anything from outside almost for the last three weeks and as I also take care of my skin more. However, you always notice but you cannot do otherwise: most of the things we do such as taking care of ourselves and so on, we do for the others, to look good in public, to be appreciated and all of a sudden, when you are not going out, these things fade away. But do not let them fade away, do not lose your hope for all the colors are outside, more than we have in our makeup boxes and makeup bags. So one day nature and nurture will meet again in a healthier world hopefully. 


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