Some Unknown and Well-Known Tips on Beauty: Opening the old books?

Did you know that you could use mineral water as a tonic? It is cheaper and it is definitely natural!

Did you know that you can put cucumber pieces on all parts of your face, of course including eyes and be sure that it will make your skin tonic and hydrated?

Did you know that you could use the rest of your serum that you cannot finish mixing it with your face cream in a plastic or glass cup (that you do not use anymore, that is from your previous cosmetics' packaging for instance) and use it together so that you do not throw away what you had bought in the past?

Did you know that one of the best scrubs can be Turkish coffee remnants?

Did you know that you can mix just one drop of olive oil with some cane sugar, a few drops of lemon and a bit of honey and use it as a lip scrub?

Did you know that you can use old black tea bags to take the morning inflammation away from your eyes?

Did you know that most of the beauty tricks come from how you live and what you eat rather than what you put on your skin?

Did you know that if you boil the roots of the parsley and drink the water, you can get rid of the inflammation (the feeling of being swollen) in your body?

Did you know that it is better not to overcook the vegetables as they lose some of the nutritive qualities?

Did you know that you could use the remnants of half-cut lemon to soften your elbows and to lighten their colour from black back to normal?

Did you know that a few drops of apple vinegar in your water before you go to sleep can help your digestive system work better?

Did you know that you can prepare a mask with Curcuma, yoghurt, a few drops of lemon and some honey to get rid of your acnes? For more details, please see YouTuber Merve Ozkaynak... 

Did you know that you can use your expired face creams for your feet or your body depending on how expired they might be?

To be continued... (I have more beauty tricks from some people I know, will gather and translate them for you from Italian and Turkish...)


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